#HomeforHome : Help Save Bedono Resident's Homes
[CAMPAIGN CLOSED 18/02/2022]
Bedono Village is an area in Demak Regency, located in the coastal area of Central Java. This area has great potential in fisheries, marine product cultivation, and marine tourism.
Sadly, the potential for sea-level rise in Bedono Village reaches 3cm/year and 25cm/year for the land subsidence. Even now, 200 homes have sunk.
2021 has been a challenging year for everyone, even without their home being on the verge of sinking.
We believe that everyone has the right to have a decent & comfortable home. Therefore KAYULAMA Home with Lindungi Hutan seeks to restore and protect the homes of Bedono Village residents.
For every purchase of our products (including pre-orders and custom orders), you have donated several* mangroves to be planted on the coast of Bedono Village. So not only do you make your own home more comfortable, but you also help them to save theirs.
If you don't need any furniture right now but want to help anyway, you can also donate to our campaign directly through this link :
This campaign is valid from September 1st, 2021 - February 18th, 2022. We will send the donations to Lindungi Hutan on the 10th of every month.
*) The number of trees donated is different for each product. You can see it in the product description.
10/9/2021Thank you for your participation! We have donated 158 trees, and we also received 15 trees from a direct donation, so together, we have donated 173 trees in total! 🤍🌳
We just donated 142 more trees, and we received two trees from a direct donation! So we have donated 317 trees so far. Thank you for your contribution! 🌳🌳🌳
Special thanks to our direct donor :
- Wanda N.
We donated 286 & received 15 trees from direct donation this month! Together we have donated 600 trees in total. Let's keep going! 🤍🌳
We donated 51 trees this month, so we have donated 651!
We donated 250 trees this month, so we have donated 901 trees! We're so thankful for your help. We wish you health, prosperity, and happiness in 2022 (and forever). Let's keep working to make Indonesia greener! 🤍🌳
Eighteen days before the donation is closed! We just donated 281 trees; there are also 19 trees from direct donations; together, we have donated 1,138 trees! 🎉
Special thanks to our direct donor :
- Nicholas Marchellio
[CAMPAIGN CLOSED 18/02/2022]
Thank you, everyone, for your help; we've donated 1,138 trees! Even though this campaign is closed, we're still donating trees to Lindungi Hutan through our new campaign, HomeforHome : Let's Save Kartika Jaya Resident's Home.
Here are some pictures from planting day, held on 29 March 2022! 🤍🌳